The Health Benefits Of Straight Teeth

Waco Dental

The Health Benefits Of Straight Teeth

In this blog from Waco Dental, we explain the health benefits of straight teeth.

Straight Teeth: An Easier-To-Clean Smile

Maintaining clean teeth becomes significantly simpler when they are properly aligned, as opposed to when they are misaligned or overlapping. The presence of crowded teeth creates challenging spaces where food particles can easily become trapped. Navigating these small and awkward gaps can make brushing a difficult task, as reaching all areas becomes cumbersome. Although flossing may offer some assistance, inserting the floss into these tight spaces can also pose challenges. While mouthwash cannot eliminate food particles, it can help reduce the growth of bacteria in these hard-to-access regions.

The accumulation of food debris and bacteria in these areas can lead to gum disease, which can result in unpleasant breath. If bacteria are allowed to persist alongside leftover food, the odor emitted from the mouth can become intolerable. Conversely, by maintaining clean teeth that are properly aligned, the task of cleaning them becomes easier, minimizing the accumulation of bacteria and leaving you with a fresh and clean mouth.

Did You Know Straight Teeth Can Improve Digestion?

There are numerous health advantages associated with having well-aligned teeth, one of which is enhanced digestion. When teeth are correctly positioned, the process of chewing food becomes significantly easier, serving as the initial stage of digestion. Through chewing, food is broken down into smaller pieces, enabling digestive enzymes to operate more efficiently. In contrast, misaligned teeth necessitate greater effort from the stomach and intestines, potentially leading to stomach cramps, indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. Moreover, insufficient chewing of food can hinder the extraction of essential nutrients and vitamins, consequently reducing overall nutritional intake.

How Straight Teeth Can Benefit The Rest Of Your Body

Were you aware that your oral and dental well-being can impact your overall body health? When your teeth are not properly aligned, it can lead to the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can subsequently give rise to various health issues. This bacteria can find its way into your body through the throat, posing a risk to your overall well-being. Furthermore, the bacteria can spread through the bloodstream, increasing the likelihood of developing conditions such as heart disease, blocked arteries, and even strokes. On a less severe note, you may also experience recurrent throat and mouth infections due to the buildup of bacteria.

Invisalign: A Better Choice Than Traditional Metal Braces

Invisalign has become the preferred choice for numerous adults and teenagers seeking orthodontic treatment, thanks to its unmatched convenience and discreetness. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign utilizes removable trays that can be easily taken out during meals, eliminating the need for dietary restrictions. In contrast, many are unaware that traditional braces require avoiding certain foods and drinks to prevent damage to the metal components and potential injuries.

The flexibility offered by Invisalign makes it a perfect fit for individuals leading busy adult lives, as it presents a significantly less restrictive alternative to metal braces. Instead of scheduling frequent in-office appointments for wire adjustments, Invisalign patients simply transition to a new aligner tray every few weeks. Moreover, the transparent and virtually invisible nature of the trays allows people wearing Invisalign to engage in conversations, laughter, and public dining without any self-consciousness associated with metal braces. With Invisalign, adults and teens can achieve their desired smiles without compromising on comfort or confidence.

Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign?

Invisalign may be right for you if your teeth are crooked, overcrowded, or have gaps between them. Invisalign may also be right for you if you have an underbite, overbite, crossbite, or open bite.

To start Invisalign treatment, the first step is to schedule a consultation. A consultation allows Dr. Martin to evaluate your teeth and bite, as well as take oral scans of your mouth. These digital oral scans are then uploaded into Invisalign’s treatment planning program, which allows you and Dr. Martin to preview the projected results and treatment timeline. This allows Dr. Martin to ultimately determine if Invisalign is right for you. If so, the information from the oral scans will be used to fabricate your clear aligners.

What To Expect From Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment In Waco, TX

When your clear aligners have been successfully fabricated by a dental lab, you will return to our office to receive directions on how to use and care for them. At your appointment, Dr. Martin will place the first aligner and show you how to properly insert and remove the aligners. This first aligner will then be worn for a designated period of time before being switched to the next aligner in the series. 

Since Invisalign is a progressive treatment, there are multiple aligners that will need to be worn in order to obtain the desired results. These aligners are intended every 1-2 weeks in order to continue the progression of tooth movement. It is also important to wear each aligner for about 20-22 hours per day and to only remove the aligner when eating, flossing, brushing, or drinking something that is not water. 

While having Invisalign treatment performed, it is also important to properly maintain your aligners. They will first need to be kept clean with daily brushings, as well as with water that is not so hot that it alters their shape. Another part of keeping your aligners clean is keeping your teeth clean. This consists of twice daily brushing and daily flossing, as well as brushing after meals or sugary drinks. 

If you are based in the Waco, TX area and wonder if you are a good candidate for Invisalign, consider Dr. Martin and the team at Waco Dental. Waco Dental is proud to offer a number of cosmetic and restorative dentistry services, as well as twice-a-year exams and cleaning. Call and schedule an appointment today at 254-754-3505.

Dr. Alan Martin

Dr. Alan Martin, D.D.S.
Waco Dental is dedicated to servicing the surrounding community with outstanding dental care. Dr. Alan Martin brings over 15 years of experience after his graduation from the Baylor College of Dentistry. At our practice, he has performed over 500 implant procedures and provided countless restoration, cosmetic, and preventative care for his patients.

Dr. Alan Martin

Dr. Alan Martin, D.D.S.
Waco Dental is dedicated to servicing the surrounding community with outstanding dental care. Dr. Alan Martin brings over 15 years of experience after his graduation from the Baylor College of Dentistry. At our practice, he has performed over 500 implant procedures and provided countless restoration, cosmetic, and preventative care for his patients.