Tooth extractions are dental procedures used to remove problematic teeth from the mouth. They are necessary when one or more teeth cannot be saved with restorative methods and presents a health threat to the other teeth. There are two different types of extractions that can be performed.

Simple extractions are performed on teeth that have completely erupted from the gum and can be removed in one piece. During a simple extraction, an elevator tool is used to loosen the tooth from the socket and forceps are used to remove it.
Surgical extractions are performed on teeth that are partially or fully impacted below the gums, or on teeth that cannot be removed in a single piece due to extensive damage or decay. During a surgical extraction, a small incision may need to be made into the gums to access the tooth. Then, the affected tooth will be broken into pieces and removed one piece at a time. This method minimizes trauma to the area and allows it to heal faster.
Did You Know?
Even though tooth extractions are considered dental surgery, they can usually be safely performed in your dentist’s office with the use of dental anesthetics and sedation. If, for some reason, your dentist is unable to perform the extraction, they will likely refer you to an oral surgeon.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need a tooth extraction?
You may need a tooth extraction if one or more teeth poses a threat to the surrounding teeth or to your oral health in general. Some examples of this are teeth that are extremely decayed, damaged beyond repair, loose from gum disease, overcrowded, or impacted in any way. Ultimately, only Dr. Martin can determine if you need a tooth extraction, therefore you should schedule a consultation with Waco Dental if you have any concerns.
What happens when I have a tooth extraction at Waco Dental?
During a tooth extraction procedure, you will be provided with dental anesthetics and dental sedation to keep you pain-free and relaxed during the procedure. There are varying levels of dental sedation offered depending on the specifics of your procedure. Once you are comfortable, your tooth will be extracted using one of the two extraction techniques. With both techniques, you should only feel pressure, but no pain. Depending on the level of sedation used, you may not even remember your procedure.
Once the procedure is over, you will be briefly monitored in our office until the effects of the sedation have worn off. You will then be provided with post-operative instructions and sent home. Please note that all tooth extraction procedures require you to have a driver present.
What is the recovery process of a tooth extraction?

While recovering from a tooth extraction, you will want to pay special attention to the post-operative instructions provided to you. These will give you more information about the recovery process, as well as information on pain & swelling management, keeping the extraction site clean, avoiding damage to the extraction site, and what to eat after a tooth extraction.
In most cases, you may need to take over the counter painkillers for the first few days following your extraction. You can also expect that your swelling will likely be at its worst at the three day mark. Most tooth extraction sites heal within 7-10 days of the extraction procedure, however many people are able to return to school or work after only a couple days.